Vision & Mission2019-01-23T12:22:06+00:00

Vision & Mission

Connect Network Yellow

Focused on child well being, Connect Network was founded in 2004 to provide a platform for collaborative action and network support for non-profit organisations and churches serving women and children at risk. People working in these realms often find themselves isolated, under resourced and under trained. Through our networkingcollaboration
and equipping efforts, these NGOs, churches and individuals enhance and maximise their responses within their unique areas of child protection services.

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To see children protected, families thriving and communities transformed.


To collaborate as a network of non-profit organisations and churches who work with women and children at risk to help improve their lives through health, education, psycho-social and economic empowerment initiatives.


Our strategy, which is revisited and revised every three years, focuses on how, through networking, equipping, and collaborating with affiliates and relevant stakeholders, we can align our efforts and set solid goals to be more effective in our work with women and children of the Western Cape. Our goal for 2020 is to promote the safety and well-being of children and thriving families through collaboration and capacity building in at least 10 western cape communities.

Connect Network’s strategy is aligned with the national development plan for South Africa 2030.

Download the National Development Plan and Vision for 2030 here.


Connect Network has adopted a set of values that governs our operations.
These values portray our corporate identity:

We are committed to Christ and seek to demonstrate biblical values in our work.

We are committed to the dignity, uniqueness and worth of every individual,
regarding everyone with love, compassion and respect.

We are committed to working together as the Church, regardless of denomination.

We are committed to quality, accountability and best practice which are reflected in our biblical worldview.

Our Logo

Connect Network is steadfast in its devotion to protecting children at risk and ensuring that they can experience quality care and nurturing relationships. With this in mind our logo represents a mother with her arms around two children, two pregnant women back-to-back and a butterfly, representing freedom from being at risk.

Connect Network Logo